WEATHER: FINE                                                                                                   TRACK: GOOD
















Race 1             SHE TALKS                          Won Ipswich 03/05/2015

Race 2             HASHTAG EBONY             Reported injured, near side front shoulder

Race 6             BRAE GIFT                           Reported ill, virus

Race 6             BUCKETTE                           Reported injured, off side hip

Race 8             PIPELINE DREAM              Reported injured, off side hip support

Race 8             PURE EDGE                          Grading error, no penalty

Race 8             BLACK MENACE                Reported injured, groin


Unless specified otherwise, all greyhounds scratched other than due to being ineligible, shall be suspended for 10 days commencing on the date of the meeting




Race 5             HANSON PATCHES                        Reported ill, virus, 10 days

Race 8             WESTERN ROSE                  Car breakdown, 10 days, documentation pending




Race 5             AEROPLANE JACK                        Last start 26/11/2014, hip & changed kennels




Race 6             IN JOCK’S SHADOW          27.6 – 26.2




Race 1             BAZZA’S ISSUE                  Post Race        Trainer:  Maxwell Wells

Race 2             HER FAULT                          Post Race        Trainer:  Cynthia Suttle

Race 5             AEROPLANE JACK                        Post Race        Trainer:  Tony Brett

Race 6             CORE LOKT                         Post Race        Trainer:  Kevin Kemp

Race 7             KINDA AMAZING              Post Race        Trainer:  Michael Patterson




The following greyhounds were sent to the veterinary surgeon upon completion of their event, but were not found to be suffering any injury.


Race 2             KID GENIUS

Race 4             MARLEY MAGIC

Race 4             STANDOUT

Race 8             JESS NIRO

Race 10           BOSANOVA




Race 1             WANDACETTE                    Injured in running, near hind leg, 7 days

Race 3             DAZE FLYBY                       Injured in running, near hind foot, 7 days

Race 8             JESS NIRO                            Unsatisfactory Performance, must perform a satisfactory

stewards’ trial 395m all tracks prior to nominating




The greyhound SHAYLOR DOM performed a satisfactory Return to Racing Trial 1 over the distance of 331m in a time of 19.47.


The greyhound ELLIE’S VOLUNTAS performed a satisfactory Return to Racing Trial 1 over the distance of 331m in a time of 19.18.


The greyhound SHAYLOR CRASH performed a satisfactory Return to Racing Trial 1 over the distance of 331m in a time of 19.50.


The greyhound CLASSY SUSAN performed a satisfactory Return to Racing Trial 1 over the distance of 331m in a time of 19.29.


Race 1 – Maiden 395m

LATE SHOW MATISSE was slow to begin.  On the turn into the back straight SWITCH BLADE checked off the heels of KISS ME HOLLY and lost ground.  WANDACETTE contacted the running rail and knuckled over, and lost ground entering the back straight.  NOT TODAY MATE checked off the heels of BONTEMPELLI prior to leaving the back straight.  NOT TODAY MATE and SWITCH BLADE bumped on the turn into the front straight resulting in both greyhounds becoming unbalanced and losing some ground.  KISS ME HOLLY and BONTEMPELLI bumped on the turn into the front straight resulting in KISS ME HOLLY losing ground. WITCH HUNTER raced wide in the home straight.


The greyhound WANDACETTE was vetted and found to have suffered an injury to the near hind leg and was stood down for a period of 7 days.


Race 2 – Maiden 395m

EASY OFF was best to begin.  GUNNADOO RAIDER checked off the heels of ROYAL HOTEL shortly after the start.  HER FAULT shifted in on the turn into the front straight tightening SHINOLA onto ROYAL HOTEL onto GUNNADOO RAIDER and also KID GENIUS.  ROYAL HOTEL lost ground as a result.  KID GENIUS and GUNNADOO RACER also lost ground.  On the turn into the back straight ROYAL HOTEL checked off the heels of SHINOLA resulting in ROYAL HOTEL becoming unbalanced and losing considerable ground.


The greyhound KID GENIUS was vetted and no apparent injuries were found.


Race 3 – Novice 395m

Even start with DAZE FLYBY slow to begin.  General tightening occurred on the turn into the back straight resulting in FIERY BENZ losing considerable ground and HARDLINER losing ground.  HARDLINER shifted out in the back straight bumping DAZE FLYBY onto SOME VALUE causing SOME VALUE and DAZE FLYBY to become unbalanced and lose ground.  DAVID’S MEMORY checked across the heels of TRU BLU DASH in the home straight.


The greyhound DAZE FLYBY was vetted and found to have suffered an injury to the near hind foot and was stood down for a period of 7 days.


Race 4 – Novice 395m

HER STORY was best to begin.  PLUM JAM was slow to begin.  MARLEY MAGIC checked off the heels of LOCA FORAY on the turn into the back straight resulting in interference to STANDOUT.  LAND LORD’S DIP checked off the heels of TOTTENHAM TERROR on the turn into the back straight, resulting in LAND LORD’S DIP losing considerable ground.  DASHING DIME raced wide in the home straight.


The greyhound MARLEY MAGIC was vetted and no apparent injuries were found.


The greyhound STANDOUT was vetted and no apparent injuries were found.


Race 5 – Maiden Heat 1 520m

CLAYBRO NINJA was best to begin.  MEEKA was slow to begin.  OUR GOLD across the heels of DREAM TIME BABY in the front straight on the 1st occasion.  OUR GOLD checked across the heels of MEEKA on the turn out of the front straight.  OUR GOLD raced wide in the home straight.


Race 6 – Maiden Heat 2 520m

Even start with CORE LOKT slow to begin.  Approaching the turn out of the front straight CASH IN MOTION, NO WAY ARNI, GORILLA EYES and IN JOCK’S SHADOW were racing very tight resulting in interference to GORILLA EYES, NO WAY ARNI, TEMPO JET and CASH IN MOTION all losing considerable ground.  GORILLA EYES checked off the heels of IN JOCK’S SHADOW and lost ground prior to the finishing line.  CORE LOKT raced wide in the home straight.


Race 7 – Maiden Heat 3 520m

TRANSMEDIA was best to begin.  FLYING RAVEN and MR PRANKSTER were slow to begin.  TRANSMEDIA and SAHARA GIRL bumped turning out of the front straight.  SAHARA GIRL lost ground dropping back causing interference to BRALYN CHARLIE on the turn out of the front straight also resulting in some inconvenience to FLYING RAVEN.  BIG RED DEVIL and TRANSMEDIA bumped on the turn out of the front straight.  MR. PRANKSTER raced very wide on the turn into the back straight.  BRALYN CHARLIE checked off the heels of TRANSMEDIA and lost ground on the turn into the back straight.  TRANSMEDIA checked off the heels of BIG RED DEVIL entering the back straight.  TRANSMEDIA checked off the heels of SUNNYSIDE JAY and lost ground in the back straight.


Race 8 – 4/5th Grade 395m

CLOUD LAND was best to begin.  JESS NIRO turned in the boxes and missed the start by approximately 40m.  DENZANO OSTI checked off the heels of CLOUD LAND towards the end of the back straight.  YOUR DEAL raced onto the heels of DENZANO OSTI on the turn into the home straight resulting in DENZANO OSTI becoming unbalanced and racing wide.


The greyhound JESS NIRO was vetted and no apparent injuries were found.  Stewards advised trainer Mr. W Nicholls that the greyhound would be charged under Rule 71 Unsatisfactory Performance, must perform a satisfactory stewards’ trial 395m all tracks prior to nominating.


Race 9 – 5th Grade 395m

MISS MERANDA was best to begin.  EVIE’S ANGEL checked off the heels of GREAT TRIUMPH on the turn into the back straight and lost some ground.  AUZCZECH EXPRESS bumped GREAT TRIUMPH on the turn into the back straight, resulting in AUSCZECH EXPRESS losing ground.  MALLOURY QUEEN raced wide in the back straight.  GREAT TRIUMPH checked across the heels of PUB STAR on the turn into the home straight.  TARZAN’S GRIP raced wide in the home straight.


Race 10 – 5th Grade 395m

GLOBAL DEEJAY was best to begin.  SLAYER RETURN checked off the heels of LEAH BENZ and lost ground on the turn into the back straight resulting in some interference to BOSANOVA and CLASSY CHURCHIE.  CLASSY CHURCHIE checked off the heels of SALLY SPARKLES and lost ground in the back straight.  CLASSY CHURCHIE raced onto the hindquarters of BOSANOVA in the back straight resulting in BOSANOVA losing considerable ground.


The greyhound BOANOVA was vetted and no apparent injuries were found.