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In accordance with RQ Licensing Scheme Policy, each Licensed Club and/or Venue must maintain particular insurance requirements.

In order to demonstrate that appropriate insurances are in place, License Applicants must provide a copy of the certificate of currency, as issued by the insurer, for all insurances when submitting the Licence application.




Each code of racing has particular insurance requirements, as outlined in the table below:

Insurance Requirement

Thoroughbred Code

Greyhound Code

Harness Code

Compulsory for Club and Venue

Public and Products Liability Insurance
(All Qld Thoroughbred Clubs covered)

Directors and Officers Insurance/Management Liability/Association Liability

Workers Compensation (WorkCover)

Volunteer Insurance (Personal Accident) 
(All Qld Thoroughbred Clubs covered)

Public and Products Liability Insurance 
(All Qld Greyound Clubs covered)

Directors and Officers Insurance/Management Liability/Association Liability

Workers Compensation (WorkCover)

Volunteer Insurance (Personal Accident) 
(All Qld Greyhound Clubs covered)

Public and Products Liability Insurance 
(All Qld Harness Clubs covered under V-Insurance group policy)

Directors and Officers Insurance/Management Liability/Association

Workers Compensation (WorkCover)

Volunteer Insurance (Personal Accident) 
(All Qld Harness Clubs covered)

Compulsory for Venue

Industrial Special Risk

Property, Contents & Inventory

Business Interruption/ Contingent Losses
(REQUIRED TIER 1 & TIER 2 CLUBS Recommended for other clubs to consult with broker to determine if required).

Industrial Special Risk

Property, Contents & Inventory

Business Interruption/ Contingent Losses
(REQUIRED TIER 1 & TIER 2 CLUBS Recommended for other clubs to consult with broker to determine if required).

Industrial Special Risk

Property, Contents & Inventory

Business Interruption/ Contingent Losses
(REQUIRED TIER 1 & TIER 2 CLUBS Recommended for other clubs to consult with broker to determine if required).


Motor Vehicle Insurance

Business Travel Insurance

Crime Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Business Travel Insurance

Crime Insurance

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Business Travel Insurance

Crime Insurance


Personal Accident (Volunteer) Insurance

RQ along with its brokers, has developed a state-wide Personal Accident (Volunteer Insurance) Policy that is designed to offer coverage to individuals that help Licensed Clubs operate by performing duties on a voluntary basis.

 Information on the Personal Accident Policy is available below:

Policy wording is available upon request.

For all policy queries, claims and additional information please contact:

Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon

Level 2, 175 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Mob: +61 408 888 488


Industrial Special Risk

Property, Contents and Inventory coverage is required for all Licensed Club Venues (All Tiers).

Business Interruption/Contingent Losses coverage is required for all Tier 1 & Tier 2 Clubs. It is recommended that Clubs consult with the broker to determine if coverage is required.

RQ insurance brokers have developed an ‘Opt-in’ insurance program that covers Industrial Special Risks (property, contents, inventory and business interruption/contingent losses).



For further information on this ISR policy, queries and claims information please contact Aon on:

Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon

Level 2, 175 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Mob: +61 408 888 488


Additional Club Insurance Information

Before Clubs enter into a lease agreement to hire a ground, venue or facility, Clubs must understand clauses relating to insurance, indemnity and hold harmless.  

Please click ​here for more information.


Insurance for Thoroughbred & Greyhound Clubs

RQ along with its brokers has developed a state-wide Public & Products Liability Insurance Program for all Licenced Thoroughbred & Greyhound Clubs.

Information on Public & Product Liability Coverage is available below:

Policy wording is available upon request.

For all policy queries, claims and additional information please contact:

Commercial Risk Solutions, Aon

Level 2, 175 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Mob: +61 408 888 488


Insurance for Harness Clubs, Drivers & Trainers

V-Insurance Group are the insurance broker for Harness Racing Australia (HRA). This insurance program has been designed to cover Harness Racing Australia, including ACT, NT, QLD, SA, VIC and WA Associations, Clubs, Tracks and all registered persons/entities involved in activities that are sanctioned by HRA. This program incorporates three covers:

  • Public Liability
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Personal Accident

For further information please visit:

V-Insurance Group are also able to arrange the following additional policies for clubs upon request:

  • Property Insurance
  • Business Package
  • Management Liability (Directors & Officer Insurance)

To find out more information and receive personal advice please contact V-Insurance Group:
Phone: (02) 8599 8660 or local call cost only 1300 945 547 or email:



Racing Queensland advises it has purchased public liability and professional indemnity insurance for all licensed trainers in Queensland. 

The policy includes $5m in Professional Indemnity Cover (increased from $500k), $20m in Public Liability Cover and $1.5m in Care, Custody and Control Coverage (decreased from $5m).

If you have any questions about the policy, or need to notify the insurer of a potential claim, please contact Aon on 0408 888 488.

Please note, Queensland is the only state that funds this insurance and any additional coverage that you may require will need to be at your own expense.

View the documents here:



Racing Queensland maintains insurance for and on behalf of Licensed Jockeys and Apprentices, Pre Apprentices, Picnic Riders and Contract Track Riders for Public Liability Insurance. Please click here for a copy of the coverage summary.

Racing Queensland maintains a contract of insurance with WorkCover on behalf of Licensed Jockeys and Apprentices.

Racing Australia provide additional insurances for Jockeys.


Insurance Levy

The Insurance Levy was introduced on 1 January 2024 and will run for an initial trial period until 30 June 2025.  The levy collects 1% of prize money winnings on all TAB races with a goal to use the money to support Queensland Trainers in funding rising WorkCover premiums, contribute towards Trainers public liability insurance (RQ funded), support improved WHS practices and assist in the management of WorkCover statutory claims.  For more information on the levy, please click here.


WorkCover Information for Clubs and Trainers

Racing Queensland (RQ) would like to remind all clubs and trainers of their obligation to ensure appropriate level of WorkCover insurance is in place. RQ strongly encourages all clubs and trainers that don’t have WorkCover insurance to consider taking out WorkCover insurance and encourages clubs and trainers with existing WorkCover insurance to review their existing arrangements to ensure sufficient coverage is in place.  For more information about what WorkCover insurance is, please click on this link.

Employers of Employees

WorkCover insurance is mandatory for all Queensland employers and the implications of being uninsured or under-insured are serious and can lead to fines and penalties being imposed on the club by WorkCover Queensland. WorkCover Queensland has the ability to carry out administrative compliance actions to identify and penalise employers who don't hold adequate workers’ compensation insurance. For more information on this risk, please click on this link.


The racing industry is serviced by a significant volume of volunteer support and some clubs may not strictly meet the criteria of being an ‘employer’. However, the parameters of who is to be insured as a ‘worker’ is not black and white, particularly when considering volunteers. RQ encourages all clubs to speak with WorkCover to obtain insurance and to clarify if any of your current arrangements could result in your club being subject to a WorkCover claim. Some examples of work arrangements that may not be clear and require clarification may include (please note this list is not exhaustive):

  • Internships:  A person maybe a worker if the person is performing work for a club or undertaking without payment of wages to gain practical experience in the type of work performed by the club or undertaking, or seeking to obtain a qualification; and would be a worker if the work performed by the person were for the payment of wages (eg. Track curator, etc).
  • Volunteer receiving non-cash benefit: A person receiving benefit for services (e.g. race tickets, travel expenses) may be considered a worker.
  • Volunteer receiving cash benefit:  A person receiving cash for a service (eg. barrier staff, bar staff, clerks, starter, etc) will likely be considered a worker.
  • A person who paid for work as a “contractor” and provides an ABN, may in fact be a ‘worker’ and must be insured by the club (eg. Barrier staff, farrier, vet, etc).
  • A person who ‘volunteers’ on a regular basis and receives a benefit or recompense for the work may be considered a worker (eg. Barrier staff, judge, photo finish operator).
  • A person who is paid for work but has an ABN may well still be a ‘worker’ under the act.

Given the uncertainty RQ strongly encourages all clubs to take out WorkCover insurance with WorkCover Queensland

It should be noted that Clubs and Trainers can insure with WorkCover Queensland for as little as $200 per year, whereas the penalties for being uninsured or underinsured can be far more significant. In the event of a fine or penalty against a club, any other insurance arrangements that RQ has on behalf of the club will not cover the club and, therefore, it would be the responsibility of the club to pay in full.

Further Information

For more information on WorkCover policies please call WorkCover on 1300 362 128. Should you have any questions about other insurances that RQ maintains on behalf of Clubs please contact Hayley Vincent, General Manager Risk and Compliance on (07) 3869 9721.