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Toowoomba Turf Club

Toowoomba Provincial

Sat 20 Jul Good 4


True Entire Course


Good 4 Pen 4.8


8mm last 24hrs, 20mm last 7 days


Track conditions update: 1:08AM Sunday 21 July
Last Track Rating Update: Finalised 20/7 - 7:45am. Late Rider R2 N16


Mon 15/07/19 11:00am


Tue 16/07/19 03:00pm


Thu 18/07/19 09:00am


Thu 18/07/19 12:00pm


Sat 20/07/19 07:30am

Late Nominations

Races: 5, 6

TRACK RATING – GOOD 4                     
Chairman of Stewards – R. Hitchener
Stewards – J. Childs, L. Carvosso, T. White
Clerk of Scales – Club
Judge – P. Brennan
Veterinarian – Dr. A. Murdoch
Swab Attendants – E. Hodges, R. Burchmann
Starter – P. Brennan
Jockeys Advocate – B. Saunders
Stewards Secretary – M. Weir
COOL DRAFTS – Bumped on jumping away. Stewards questioned jockey J. Oliver and Trainer M. Currie in relation to the below market expectation performance. Jockey Oliver could offer no explanation for the poor performance of the mare which he reported had failed to run on from the 600m as expected. Mr. Currie expressed disappointment in the performance of the mare which he advised had worked well in preparation for this race. He added that, in his opinion, the mare may have raced somewhat flat today following its first up run, and added that the horse does have a poor record when racing second up from a spell. He went on to say that he will monitor the mare’s post-race recovery, and will report to Stewards should anything come to light in the coming days which may explain the performance. A post-race veterinary examination of the mare revealed no apparent abnormalities. A pre-race swab sample was collected from the mare for analysis.
GENERAL COS – Raced 3 wide without cover throughout.
WINNING KISS – Laid in throughout.
FEW TOO MANY – Disappointed for a run in the early stages of the home straight and then had a tendency to lay in behind the runner forward of it and, as a result, the gelding lost some ground before shifting out to secure clear running over the final 100m.
GREYNOMAD – Tightened for room on jumping away.
The start of this race was delayed when MY BELLY BUTTON reared over upon entering the track and dislodged its rider. The gelding was inspected by the veterinary surgeon and declared a late scratching at 5.33pm on veterinary advice. On the announcement of correct weight Stewards ordered that all monies invested on MY BELLY BUTTON be refunded, with the following deductions to apply to successful wagers:
5 cents in the dollar for the Win #8
8 cents in the dollar for place of winner #8
8 cents in the dollar for 2nd place #11
9 cents in the dollar for 3rd place #14
Trainer L. Hatch was advised that the gelding will require a further barrier certificate prior to next racing. Jockey J. Oliver was examined by Queensland Ambulance Officers and cleared to fulfil his remaining engagements.
COCO MONSIEUR – Began awkwardly and lost ground. Improved onto heels and was steadied near the 700m. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to be significantly lame behind with a possible pelvic injury. The trainer’s representative, Ms. M. Sears, was advised that the gelding will require a veterinary clearance prior to resuming racing. Ms. Sears advised that she will arrange for the stable veterinarian to examine the mare tomorrow, and undertook to provide Stewards with an update in the coming days regarding the horse’s post-race recovery.
KING BART – Bumped on jumping away. Raced wide without cover throughout.
SIZZLING SUN – Hung in under pressure in the home straight.
FANTASAY – Held up for some distance and unable to improve rounding the home turn, and then laid in upon straightening and was steadied from heels. Had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the home straight before being able to shift out to secure clear running near the 100m.
RINGO’S MAGIC - As C. Eaton was dually engaged in this race, N. Evans was substituted as the rider of RINGO’S MAGIC. Stewards accepted jockey Eaton’s explanation regarding the dual engagement. Jumped with its head in the air at the start, made contact with another runner and lost ground. Raced wide with cover for the majority.
NONCHALANTE – Steadied passing the 1100m to avoid the heels SPIRIT’S SILK (Beau Appo) which was taken in by BROOK’S PLEASURE (App. M. Wishart), which shifted in and away from SIZZLING SUN (E. Ljung), which shifted in when not completely clear. Jockey E. Ljung was reprimanded as a result of this incident. Hung out and raced ungenerously throughout. Trainer G. Schwenke was advised that a warning will be placed on the gelding’s racing manners. A post-race veterinary examination of the gelding revealed no apparent abnormalities.
VELITES – Tightened for room at the start and lost ground.
LOTZA – Began awkwardly.
WESTBROOK WARRIOR – Raced in restricted room shortly after the start. Laid out under pressure over the concluding stages.
BLACKMAILER – Raced in restricted room shortly after the start. Bumped shortly after the start.
RED CALVARY – Laid in in the early stages and, as a result, was bumped on the hindquarters. Steadied to avoid heels near the 100m and forced to shift out to secure clear running.
OUR GRACIOUS DANE – Tightened for room at the start.
THERE’S NEMO – Raced keenly in the early and middle stages.
FLYING SEBA – A post-race veterinary examination revealed a speedy cut to the mare’s off hind leg.
The start of this race was delayed when MISSGOODYTWOSHOES and CUE CUE were both presented late to the enclosure. Mr. D. Tunnah, the trainer of MISSGOODYTWOSHOES and the stable representative responsible for the saddling of CUE CUE on behalf of Trainer Mr. P. Sexton, was fined $100 for presenting the horses late to the enclosure.
LEWCALA – Began awkwardly and raced very greenly throughout. Trainer Mr. M. Boland was advised that a warning will be placed on the gelding for its racing manners.
POP ‘N’ ZAC – Raced wide throughout. Steadied from heels near the 400m.
CUE CUE – As Apprentice A. Thompson was delayed after riding at another venue, he was unable to arrive on course to fulfil his engagement, and Apprentice Adam Spinks was substituted as rider.
NORAVALE – Began very awkwardly and lost ground. Apprentice R. Goldsbury reported that her mount raced greenly throughout and proved difficult to ride.
MISSGOODYTWOSHOES – Laid out rounding the home turn.
MYKISS FROMA ROSE – Prior to the race, Trainer Mr. M. Boland advised that the filly resents being struck with the whip, and for this reason he had instructed jockey E. Ljung to limit the use of the whip. Tightened for room at the start and lost ground and, as a result, settled further back in the field than anticipated. Steadied from heels near the 400m. When questioned by Stewards regarding the seemingly disappointing performance of the filly, jockey E. Ljung advised that, in her opinion, after being hampered at the start the filly was not suited racing back in the field. She added that the filly had a tendency to hang out during the race and raced greenly. She went on to say that the filly also resented the kickback and failed to run on as she had expected in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination of the filly revealed no apparent abnormalities.
The start of this race was delayed approximately 6 minutes due to a partial lighting failure.
WALL STREET TYCOON – After slipping over in the tie-up stalls, the gelding underwent a pre-race veterinary examination and was passed fit to start.
MOLLY’S ROCKING – Raced wide without cover throughout. Checked to avoid heels when ALLORAINE shifted in leaving the 900m. Apprentice A. Thompson, the rider of ALLORAINE, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 131(a) in that leaving the 900m he permitted his mount to shift in when insufficiently clear resulting in MOLLY’S ROCKING (J. Oliver) was forced inwards and was checked to avoid heels. In this incident, WALL STREET TYCOON (K. Yoshida) was also bumped and forced off its line. Apprentice Thompson’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 8 days, to commence at midnight on Sunday 28 July 2019, and expire at midnight on Monday 5 August 2019. In determining penalty, Stewards took into consideration Apprentice Thompson’s guilty plea and his prior good record in relation to this rule. Jockey J. Oliver could offer no explanation for the seemingly disappointing performance of the mare which he advised did not feel entirely comfortable in its action on returning to scale. Trainer M. Currie could also offer no explanation for the poor performance other than that the mare was forced to race wide throughout. A post-race veterinary examination of the mare revealed no apparent abnormalities.
MIDNIGHT MATINEE – Raced in restricted room near the 500m when ALLORAINE shifted in.
CLOWN IN THE MOON – Stood flat-footed at the start and lost ground, and then failed to muster early speed.
DAME ELLIE – Raced wide without cover throughout. Hung out rounding the home turn.
GUNNOBE – Slow to begin.
ALL JEED UP – Bumped heavily on jumping away. After being crossed passing the 1000m, the gelding commenced to race keenly and was checked from heels near the 900m.
LAST EDITION – Slow to begin.
B’DAISY – Trainer R. Lipp was reprimanded for the late scratching of the filly at 7.45am. In determining penalty, Stewards took into consideration Mr. Lipp’s exemplary record in relation to this rule.
RED BLOOM – Bumped heavily on jumping away. Raced in restricted room approaching the 1000m to the inside of DAME ELLIE (App. M. Wishart) which shifted in. In this incident, TATACHILLA (K. Yoshida) which was also racing to the inside of DAME ELLIE was also placed in restricted room. Apprentice M. Wishart was reprimanded as a result of this incident.
I KNOW YVES – Slow to begin.
MAHONEY – Overraced in the early and middle stages. Raced wide without cover throughout.
WEWANNAWINNA – Raced 3 wide with cover throughout. Checked near the 400m when ALADINA shifted out. J. Oliver, the rider of ALADINA, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding under AR. 131(a) in that near the 400m he directed his mount out in an endeavour to secure clear running and, in doing so, forced MAHONEY (K. Yoshida) outwards which resulted in WEWANNAWINNA (C. Eaton), which was racing to the outside of MAHONEY, being checked. Jockey Oliver’s licence to ride in races was suspended for 9 days, to commence at midnight on Sunday 28 July 2019, being the expiration of a pending period of suspension, and expire at midnight on Tuesday 6 August 2019. In determining penalty, Stewards took into consideration jockey Oliver’s guilty plea.
MISS SILKY – Raced keenly at the heels of other runners for some distance in the middle stages. Stewards questioned Apprentice A. Thompson in relation to the tactics adopted rounding the home turn and in the home straight. Of concern to Stewards was whether there was an opportunity to improve into a run along the fence inside TIGERPOWER rather than attempt to shift outwards to secure clear running at that point. Apprentice Thompson advised that whilst TIGERPOWER had shifted off the fence marginally whilst rounding the home turn, he was of the view that with STEADY STAR racing tight to that runner’s outside it may shift back in on straightening causing the run along the rail to close. He added that, for that reason, when it appeared that an alternative run had presented between STEADY STAR and MOSHT UP he attempted to secure this run, however when both those runners shifted ground he was disappointed for a run and, as a result, was held up for some distance. After considering the explanation tendered by Apprentice Thompson, Stewards were of the view that his actions were not unreasonable at that point in the race and therefore took the matter no further.
Summary of action concerning licensees
Race 2. E. Ljung – careless riding – AR. 131(a)
Race 6. Tnr. R. Lipp – fail to scratch by prescribed time – AR. 181(1)(a)
Race 6. App. M. Wishart – careless riding – AR. 131(a)
Race 4. Tnr. D. Tunnah – $100 – present horses late to enclosure – AR. 194

Race 5. App. A. Thompson – careless riding – 8 days (m/n 28.07.019 – m/n 05.08.19) – AR. 131(a)
Race 7. J. Oliver – careless riding – 9 days (m/n 28.07.19 – m/n 06.08.19) – AR. 131(a)
Summary of action concerning thoroughbred horses
Horses swabbed pre-race
Dazzling Red, Bella Occhi, Cool Drafts, Brook’s Pleasure, Lotza
Horses swabbed post-race
All winners, and the second placegetters in Races 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
Race 2. MY BELLY BUTTON – reared on entering the track (late scratching) – barrier cert. req’d – AR. 20(e)
Race 2. COCO MONSIEUR – significantly lame behind – veterinary clearance req’d – AR. 20(e)
Race 2. NONCHALANTE – racing manners – warning – AR. 20(e)
Race 4. LEWCALA – racing manners – warning – AR. 20(e)
Summary of rider changes/Late notifications
Race 1.           MAKE A RULER - Cecily Eaton
Race 2.           RINGO’S MAGIC - Nathan Evans
                        NONCHALANTE - App. Hannah English
Race 3.           FLYING SEBA - App. Madeleine Wishart
Race 4.           CUE CUE - App. Adam Spinks
Late scratchings
Race 2.          MY BELLY BUTTON – 5.33pm – veterinary advice
Race 6.          B’DAISY – 7.45am
Published subject to correction upon revision